Kerry & Tracey Branch

Much of Kerry's life has been spent gaining knowledge and experience in the structural steel industry and his expertise set him apart from most others. With over 25 years of service in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and being a second generation steel guy, Kerry has developed into the "go to guy" for structural steel solutions.

Kerry and Tracey have been married almost 25 years and have been a devoted family to their three children. Kerry loves golfing and the outdoors hunting and fishing. Tracey loves lounging by the pool, shopping, baseball and their children.


Eric & Kimberly Branch

While Eric began in structural steel at an early age as a journeyman ironworker, much of his life has been spent gaining knowledge and experience in leadership and people development. The past 25+ years of his career have given him an advantage in project management and business relationships.  He understands the value of others and makes it a priority to position others to be successful. 

Eric and Kimberly have been married over 30 years. Their two children are grown and also have given them 3 wonderful grandchildren. Just being togather as a family is their greatest love. Eric enjoys bowhunting, tactical and self-defense handgun training. He enjoys playing golf but let's leave it there; he usually gets in more strokes than others. Kim loves crafting, gardening, and anything to do with the grandbabies, fur babies and mid-life curious adventures in her JEEP. •|||||||•